2025 Show Dates: February 14-16, 2025

2025 Speakers & Seminars
Ted Takasaki

Ted Takasaki, Pro Angler

Ted Takasaki Bio

Ted Takasaki is a Hall of Fame Legendary Angler in addition to being a top competitor on the major Walleye tournament circuits for the past 30 years.

In 1998, He won the prestigious Professional Walleye Trail Championship right here in Bismarck, ND.

This victory catapult Ted to being hired as the President of Lindy Fishing Tackle, which he led for over 10 years.

Saturday, FEB 15th at 1:30 & 3:45PM

Sunday, FEB 16th at 1:30PM


Tom Huynh

Tom Huynh, Pro Angler

Tom Huynh Bio

I began fishing walleye tournaments in 2020.  The first one I fished was on the AIM Pro Walleye Series and I fished it with my buddy and teammate Nate Wolske.

We ended up winning out first event.  We went on to get a 4th place and another win in the next 2 events which were the last of the year.  In 2021, I entered the full NWT series and AIM team circuit as well. I ended up 2nd in the NWT championship and AIM State Championship and AIM Team of the Year as well.

We followed up with a repeat of AIM Championship and Team of the Year in 2022 along with winning the National Championship.  2023 was another successful season with all top 5 finishes in AIM and a top 5 in NWT AOY.  In 2024 I won the NWT Championship and tied in points for AOY.

I just launched a revolutionary new educational fishing platform called Tom Huynh University.  Www.fishthu.com.


Saturday, FEB 15th at 2:45PM & 4:45PM

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Jason Mitchell

Jason Mitchell, Pro Angler

Jason Mitchell Bio

Jason Mitchell hosts and produces Jason Mitchell Outdoors Television airing on Fox Sports and Midco. JMO has been one of most popular outdoor programs on Fox Sports over several years educating millions of angles across the Midwest with useful information on how and where to catch fish.

JMO consistently has some of the highest raw Nielsen ratings in the industry airing in up to 12 million households each week. Before television, Mitchell was a successful guide on Devils Lake and operated one of the largest guide services in the Midwest. In 2016, Jason Mitchell was inducted into the North Dakota Fishing Hall of Fame.

Sunday, FEB 16th at 12:00PM & 2:45PM

JR Carter

Pro Angler JR Carter Fishing

JR Carter Bio

JR Carter grew up in Glendive, MT but currently resides with his wife Lori, daughter Lyla andson JJ in Mandan, ND. JR has been fishing professionally since returning from a military Iraqdeployment in 2010. JR has fished FLW, AIM, MWC, NWT and currentlyfishes the Head 2Head Professional Walleye Series. Since 2010, JR’s passion for fishing has brought him to avariety of walleye tournaments all over the Midwest, which have included local state events,AIM Pro Walleye Series, Master Walleye Circuit, National Walleye Tour, and Head 2 HeadProfessional Walleye Series. JR is sponsored by American Ethanol, Tharaldson Ethanol, CTEGlobal Inc., Urban Air Initiative, Lallamand Biofuels, SCHEELS of Bismarck, ND, NABP,Smooth Move Seats, Lowrance, Motorguide, Yeti,Mercury, Warrior Boats and Mild 2 WildMotorsports.

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Kids Fishing Clinic
February 14 | 6:30 PM

Kurt Schirado & Jason Wright, Ultimate Outdoor Adventures TV Co Hosts

Kurt Schirado & Jason Wright Bio

Local Fishing Experts

Jason Wright and Kurt Schirado have spent most of their lives learning about the outdoors and earned the reputation of being enthusiastic and professional promoters of the fishing industry. It was their passion for fishing that brought them together over 20 years ago which  led them down a path of outdoor television. They partnered up with John Arman and co-hosted the popular outdoor-based television show, “Ultimate Outdoor Adventures TV,” which allowed them to share their adventures with a larger audience. Fast forward many years and “Walleye Fever”continues to drive the duo’s passion for both recreational and tournament fishing. Both Kurt and Jason take every opportunity to learn from others and share their fishing knowledge with most anyone while providing insight on the newest tackle, gear, and equipment as well as specific locations & tactics to help anyone have a better fishing experience.

Saturday, February 15th at 12PM



Kurt Schirado & Jason Wright–local walleye fishing experts–will focus on locating, targeting&discussingspecificpatterns to catch more wall eyes during Spring, Summer, and Fall on Lake Sakakawea.  They will also share their experience on how forward facing sonar is changing the way anglers approach this incredible fishery.  You’ll also learn what to expectthroughout the2024fishing season–walleye populations, year classes and forage outlookas well as the fishingforecast.Often times anglers seem to find most of their fishing success during specific times of the year; however, they will share what allows them to be successful from ice out to ice up breaking the lake intotactical&seasonalsectionstoprovide great information for all anglers no matter their preferred location or fishing experience


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Fig Tree Hunting Safaris

Fig Tree Hunting Safaris

Fig Tree Hunting Safaris

Local Fishing Experts

Jason Wright and Kurt Schirado have spent most of their lives learning about the outdoors and earned the reputation of being enthusiastic and professional promoters of the fishing industry.  It was their passion for fishing that brought them together over 20 years ago which led them down a path of outdoor television.  They partnered up with John Arman and co-hosted the popular outdoor-based television show, “Ultimate Outdoor Adventures TV,” which allowed them to share their adventures with a larger audience. Fast forward many years and “Walleye Fever” continues to drive the duo’s passion for both recreational and tournament fishing.  Both Kurt and Jason take every opportunity to learn from others and share their fishing knowledge with most anyone while providing insight on the newest tackle, gear, and equipment as well as specific locations & tactics to help anyone have a better fishing experience.  They have been hosting fishing seminars at winter sport show events for more than 20 years providing informative tips, tactics, and storytelling of all their adventures.  When they aren’t fishing Kurt manages a construction supply company in Bismarck and Jason is a Middle School Teacher for Bismarck Public Schools.


Supporting Businesses: River City Sports, Cedric Theel Toyota, Smooth Moves Seats, Pure Fishing, Mercury Marine, Vexus Boats, Triton Boats, First Lite, Trusted Tire & Auto, Lowrance, Action Motor Sports and Ultimate Outdoor Adventures TV.


Friday, February 14th at 5PM


Kurt Schirado & Jason Wright – local walleye fishing experts –will focus on locating, targeting & discussing specific patterns to catch more walleyes during Spring, Summer, and Fall on Lake Sakakawea. They will also share their experience on how forward facing sonar is changing the way anglers approach this incredible fishery.  You’ll also learn what to expect throughout the 2024 fishing season – walleye populations, year classes and forage outlook as well as the fishing forecast.  Oftentimes anglers seem to find most of their fishing success during specific times of the year; however, they will  share what allows them to be successful from ice out to ice up breaking the lake into tactical & seasonal sections to provide great information for all anglers no matter their preferred location or fishing experience.


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